Friday, January 21, 2011

Eat Fresh?

My first point to make here today is regarding this format. A friend, and trusted interwebs guru suggested I move this to Flickr. My confidant claims it would increase visibility and allow people from other offices to post pictures and make this little slobology project more popular. I say Fluck Flickr. This is about my pain and I want absoulte control. So what did I find today?
Yet again, we find a soap container in the sink. This time, however, it is the dish soap. So maybe this perpetrator is saying, "Here, I know what cleans my dishes but I am too big of a lazy inconsiderate ass to actually use it. Quick, somebody with more common sense than me, clean this before I turn into a responsible citizen."

What ho, what lurks behind the dish soap?
For serious? You put a subway cup in the sink to be washed by somebody else? I appreciate your affinity for eating fresh, but screw you, ya damned lazy turd-nugget.

And to the left of the sink, what is in the drying tray?
It is a stack of dubiously washed dishes piled in a cattywampus fashion. What kilsl me here is this:
That would be a dishwasher with clearly enough space to seat all the dishes above and then some.

Don't strain yourself. Let me take care of that for you, ya brain dead gaping anal excrement hole.

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