Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Refocusing my anger

You might note the great lapse in time between this post and the last post. There are several reasons for that, primary among them is the level of actual work to be done in the office that has prevented me from focusing on my little photography/hateful words project. Also, because I have been so focused on TCB (yes, I am a BTO fan) that I have not had actual time to get angry.

Then two things happened. The first occurred this morning when I went into the kitchen. The second occurred tonight when I saw the Wedding web page for my first serious girlfriend, ya know... the first love. The one that got away. The heartless devilbeast. Subsequently, I am full of anger at this moment so I am going to kill two birds with one stone and chastise the dish offender with the rage I have towards my exgirlfriend. It is also worth noting that yes, we have been broken up for nearly a decade, but there are just some things you never want to get over because, just like getting drilled in the groin, they make you feel alive.

So here is the mess:

You know what bothers me the most... the lack of respect. You expect me to just be there for you for so long, cleaning up your mess. Look at you. You left me... i mean you left 15 mugs in the sink you asshole. What gives you the right. You lead me on with a few days with a clean sink... and then you, you just come in and dump me... errr dump these mugs in the sink. Then you have the nerve to parade around all happy.

You know your problem, you are fucking selfish. And you hide. You hide behind the guise of calling others selfish for not cleaning up your mess. You expect me to be something you want (a dishwasher) instead of letting me-helping me grow to become what I want. You are a hateful bitch (or dickhead, cause it could be a guy).

Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. 

That is not enough to express the hurt and emotional damage you have caused me for years. So many dishes. SO MANY DISHES. But really, you do not deserve my time. I will hang out with kitchen patrons who wash their own dishes and put their dishes away like normal people, rather than just discarding them as soon as they are done with them.

Fuck you, you giant bucket of putrid mucus-laden douche.
Ahhhhh. That is better.

And one more thing, in a message directed at the actual ex-girlfriend (which she shall never see)... way to really pour salt in the wound by setting your wedding date 8 years to the day that you dumped me for the piece of crap frenchman. Enjoy "falling down the stairs" the rest of your life.

Now THAT felt good.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday?

So today was my birthday. What did the sink-scofflaw-slobtometrest get me?

Oh, why thank you. I always wanted 8 grimey mugs and two greasy glasses with a nice accompaniment of filthy utensils and bacteria laden sponges. Really, what the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, this is the type of behavior displayed by serial killers. I fucking hate you. But you can't ruin my birthday.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sink Surprise

Well, hello again filth-munchkins. Time has been at a premium recently, so your kitchen atrocities have fallen to the back burner. Don't think I have not been watching you. Take for example what was in the sink on Wednesday:
I suppose I can be happy that you left the sponges out of the festering drain. But there you go again, giving the rest of the civilized a middle finger by displaying them atop a pile of plates. And what is under those spent plates?
Orly? Srsly? OMG! GFY. If you don't recognize that last webronym, it stands for GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well it appears you struck again you arrogant jerk.
How many of these dishes do I think are yours? Only one. I think that the mugs are the work of multiple assholes, kind of like a bear that got shot in the ass with a 12-gauge. The bowl, though. The bowl and the sponge, left teetering on three mugs just to taunt those of us with personal hygiene. Who do you think you are?
You seem to think that you are the Bonny Prince Charlie. Somebody who does not need to clean up after one's self. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FLOATING WHITE THING? I hate you more than standardized testing. Really, what the hell is that crust? There was a sponge there, rather than balancing it on a bunch of mugs like a filthy game of Jenga, why not clean up after yourself ya fucking pig.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One slob, 5 mugs

Ok, listen up fuck stain. Just cause you are the last one in the office, does not mean you can flagrantly disregard common courtesy and plop your stinking, FESTERING, mugs into the sink.
You know how I know this was the work of one asshole? Forensic slobology my friends. Look at the cascading pattern of mug handles. Clearly those were placed down by one person, judging by the vector of each handle. And, upon measuring the vertices created by said handles, one can deduce that the perpetrator is predominantly right handed. Also fuck face, you had the nerve to put that top "lone wolf" in the sink, 1/4 filled and with a conflicting angle handle for the left hand... unless you put it down first. Clearly this was a premeditated violation of cleanliness.  

Monday, February 7, 2011

Back after a week sabbatical

This is the time of year when everybody in the office gets sick. I wont begin to bitch about people needing to stay home when they are sick, as I have been a key offender when I have had too much to do. I am not sure if the rash of sickness had anything to do with the lack of action in the kitchen, but for some reason things were quiet and I was not driven into a rage last week.

Maybe things would stay that way.
Or I will find a sink loaded with sponges and Baja Fresh cups. Really? Again? And take a look at the orange sponge. That is a fucking pumpkin seed dried to it like vomit on a bathroom stall. Happy Monday you cretins. At least you did not make a single effort to load the dishwasher.
Yep. That is a pile of "clean" dishes. I would not trust the cleanliness of these dishes even if there was a Bunsen burner held to my genitals. And what is that I spy amongst the pile of shady dishes and discarded Chinese food containers? It is an Edible Arrangements mug. Who is drinking out of an Edible Arrangements mug? A moron. That is who.

Its okay you lazy asses. I will load the dishwasher. Don't lift a finger.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Breaking the social contract of the kitchen

What do we have today? A sloppy mess? Sort of. 

Here we have four mugs, which by all appearances are clean. But really, is this where you put clean dishes? Is this where you put any dishes? Is that a sponge caddy? The fuck it is.

Let's see where the social contract of kitchen usage broke down.

Well glad to see you employed street people could not get past Rule No. 1. This list hangs at eye-level above the sink. All one needs to do is look up and it is staring them directly in the face. Hmmm, it doesn't say much about sponge etiquette. Oh wait... just turn your head to the left.

So it is confirmed. You are all stupid slobs and you are all illiterate.